Bettie Cott - Jude

Bettie Cott | Jude & Delta
Location: The Joint, 816 Dundas St. W.

Bettie Cott is a Toronto-based furniture and product designer. She holds a Craft and Design diploma in furniture from Sheridan College, along with a diploma in Manufacturing Engineering Technology. Bettie has exhibited work in Toronto and New York. She is an avid supporter of local design and believes in the importance of sustainable living. Her studio is located in Toronto, Ontario, where she continues to extend her current collection, produces client-based commission work and collaborates with other local designers.

Jude, constructed using steam-bending techniques in combination with linear elements and a laminated seat, is a technically challenging chair that uses little material. Its design creates a very light, open object with a small footprint. The tight, steam-bent, curved back gives the impression of a visual embrace. Jude is neither masculine or feminine but rather a graceful marriage between the two. (Solid air and kiln dried cherry, laminated veneer seat)

Delta is a structure that can take on many forms: lamp, coat rack, plant stand, sculpture. It allows the user to dictate its function to best suit their surroundings and daily rituals. (Solid walnut and maple)

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